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Muž, 57
Registrovaný/á: 28/10/2020 - 00:45
Naposledny online: 15/06/2024 - 22:48
Hlavní město Praha - Česko
Niečo o mne
My interest. And please if you are interested only respond back. And let’s keep communicating to know each other more.

I'm looking for woman who enjoys a one-on-one relationship. I'm looking for someone who can pack up and work to be emotionally accessible. I love adventure and spontaneity and fun ... I have good values, great morals, I distinguish good from bad. I respect people and expect the same in return. I'm not a guy, I'm a MAN, so I know my responsibilities and how to take care of Family. I don't want perfection, just someone with a kind heart and even a character ... I'm not a person who takes people and relationships for granted. It's human nature to put your best foot forward in the beginning, but I believe you should always put your best foot forward. A good person is a real gift. My interests are a long term relationship with a woman who has become my best friend n if it leads to more then better for us both. I want a woman by my side till we take our last breath on this earth. I want to be that old couple who people turn their heads and say isn’t that so sweet they still hold hands. I want to love and be loved.
Koho hľadám
Long-term relationship
Výška: 5.10
Váha: Nevyplnené
Vlasy: Nevyplnené
Oči: Blue
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